Nava Bharat Media Private Limited brings to you relevant and important news in Hindi on the Nava Bharat news app on mobile for the latest National, International, and Local happenings.Now stay connected with the world around you with breaking news in Hindi, 24x7 live updates, and news on Politics, Crime, Sports, Lifestyle, Business, Entertainment - Bollywood, Hollywood, Technology, Automobile, and Viral news. Enjoy the latest viral, trending, celebrity spotted videos, photo galleries on the Nava Bharat Hindi News app. Bringing the actual news, making sure that you always stay connected with your local community, country, and the world.About Nava Bharat:Navabharat started as a Hindi bi-weekly publication in Nagpur, Navabharat is circulated in several parts of Central India today, namely Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, and Orissa. It is one of the leading Hindi newspapers in Central India and proudly boasts of having the 6th highest readership according to the Indian Readership Survey.We, at Navabharat Group, take pride in spreading awareness about the issues that matter, voice our opinions in-depth, and cover them from an informative yet objective perspective, thereby giving a true reflection of the nations face.Follow us on:Facebook: